Tuesday, April 27, 2010

1 - 20

Tips that I have received and learned for the past few months. Thing is, I keep on forgetting most of them and constantly, I need to be reminded.

I have been receiving coaching and guidance from a very incredible person and was dubbed once by my mom as "Super Woman". These are things I'm trying my best to learn by heart and keeping my mind and soul open as to allow these thought and ideas to consume me and allowing these to mold my personality. Well of course I turn these off once in a while, of course to loosen up and breathe as well... for that casual and laid back side of living. We all deserve to take a break and switch to that kooky-er person during some days...

Well, some of them I pick up somewhere else when I stop and stare...
Ohhh my rules... welcome to my self made pocketbook of rules... we'll not really rules, just some tips... Punishment awaits those who break rules, well these... hmm...

1. Think right, but think FAST.

2. When you meet somebody you don't know, you have to judge him/her in less than two minutes.
- look in the eyes of people and read what is there to read

3. You have to convince people that what you think is the best for them.

4. Be the DOMINANT among a group.

5. Never try to act like other people, you have to be the chief, and show that by intelligent remarks or acts.

6. Always learn learn learn work work work on any subject.

7. Always think positive & take the good in any situation.

8. Think of two good results, so if you don't get the first one, you will have the second, which maybe even better.

9. Don't lie. If somebody is asking you a question which you do not want to answer, just say that it's not their problem or anything else intelligent. So it will show people that you have some temper and they do not have to walk on your feet.

10. When you have something to do: Don't say I will do it later, just do it at the second, so you will be ready for something else right away.

11. Practice your memory all the time, and just think that its like a box, when its full, its full. Remove what you do not really need.

12. You have to surprise people all the time, by your intelligence, memory, anything, you always have to be the first one in any case.

13. There are no downsides in my life, for myself, I am surrounded by very creative and wonderful people, and no matter what you do in your life, don't you ever let anybody take your creative and wonderful people away from you. And what my creative and wonderful people tell me is this..

14. Only value the opinion of those that you respect,
and those anyone that you don't respect....
pay no mind to their opinion about you or anything else.

Hmm... Negotiable, consider entertaining the idea under certain exceptions

Two stories my mom tells me...
15. Once upon a time, Buddha was sitting under a tree, alone, meditating and simply having a peaceful time. And then, someone came over his tranquil place to intentionally bother him from... so this guy made moves to distract and anger Buddha from his solemn abode.

But Buddha did not react, not a single flinch... the guy who tried so hard, just became tired and angered by the way things came up...

So the guy asked Buddha why he didn't react at all, and he responded something like....

Imagine the intention and energy you are trying to give me as a gift or an object... If I had let myself accept that, I will be the one being angry.

But since I prefer to control what enters my life, I will chose to not accept this.... If I had accepted this bad energy, I will be the one being angry and you will be happy... But since I did not, I kept my tranquility and happiness, and you kept the negativity that you wanted to make feel.

The guy just became angry, Buddha went on peacefully.

16. So imagine you are in a group who is doing something bad just to get what they want, so that does mean you should join them along because you are alone?

No. It doesn't mean that everyone else is doing it, doesn't mean you should do it. Hayaan mo na lang lahat sila gawin yun, be bold enough to be different as long as you know what you are doing is correct and proper.

17. Don't look to the approval of others for your mental stability.
- Karl Lagerfeld's Twitter

True when I find my ideas and intellects blocked by imaginary or real opinions from people around me.. Its me, in the end, its what I want to do and think, etcetera...
Though my future boss has said to me a few things about Karl Lagerfeld, I see a bright side of him which I know I can look up to. Especially when my mom told me once...

18. Kelangan Joey, you know how to step back, see and learn how to separate the sin and the person,
para you can understand more...


20. If circumstances allow other parties to identify points that disqualify you, response with a statement that addresses issues that had been identified and be the first to address other issues before the other party sees it. And finish this off with a statement that build your identity as someone of proper authority, someone who deserves to say what you just said.