Monday, May 3, 2010

Plan B

Gee. All day I have been brainstorming on a Plan B since this Paris plan is feeling very very uncertain all of a sudden.

Among the other choices in the still blurry clouds of ideas:
Management Trainee in USA
Work in Pilipinas
Further Studies...

This one I chose...

Career Plan B : Work on a Cruise ship
Seems like the almost perfect plan B since it is...

Something that will allow me to travel the world, again be submerged in the cultural diversity of the world, and of course, see the multifaceted situations that other people are in to. A 10 month contract would be enough for an appetizer, if it seems that I will enjoy, then I'll go for another bite.

All day I have been researching on what to expect, if it would be fit for me, and if I will still be alive after. Well, I'll be stuck in a cruise ship for ten months... and at the end of the day, I realized that I just need to bring a small netbook computer and I will be fine.

There will be no downside, mishaps will all be in the mind, and prayers and brains will be what I'd need to pack in my luggage for this. Working 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for 10 months.
With regards to the social circle and professional relations I will be having, and also considering that this will be culturally diverse, I can play Mr. Diplomatic and Mr. Tactfulness. Proven effective in my school and work back then in Switzerland.

Things makes sense now why I met in Switzerland this friend from Indonesia... who knew it'll be him who will give me tips on this. He'll be starting his work in AIDA cruises in a couple of months. And it does make more sense why I was on a cruise last year, so I have tons of ideas how the work will seem to be. *Crossing fingers now*

The pay is pretty okay. But aside from the datung, the benefits will not be limited to what the eyes can see and what the hands can hold...

I have been eyeing this...
Shangri-la at the Fort by 2014

If all plans go well (plans according to my current wavelength of thinking on a hot 37 degree afternoon, and if by then I'd consider settling already in Manila at the age of 26 or 27), I'd be one of the best suited candidates to work there by that time. And also considering that there's a condominium 5 minute walk away where I can live on my own, its going to be great.

As far as I can analyze the bits and pieces of this... This plan sounds good, but still I'm open to what better things life will offer me.
If it's not difficult, it is not funny. There are just things that happens in our life and for a period of time we don't understand why, but in the right time... we'll understand everything.

Life will be very very sweet. Life is good. Awesome.

Trying not to get too excited now.
Who knows... in a few weeks then I might think of a Plan C. LOL.
And I still need to give the French Consul some rubbin' n' lovin' next week.